

This internship is geared toward young men and women who are passionate about serving Christ, or individuals who think God might be calling them to serve Him as missionaries. Partaking in this kind of short-term commitment can help you mature in your walk with Christ, provide direction, and bring clarity. 

This internship will provide a training environment in the context of regular, day-to-day ministerial life. This will equip men aspiring to be leaders, missionaries, or pastors, and ladies aspiring to be missionaries, teachers, or godly wives.

Immersion is the focus. This internship exists to saturate potential future missionaries into a foreign context that will force them to think carefully about their gifting and the nature of  missions.

Men will have the opportunity to shadow seasoned missionaries in action. They will spend their days serving in the local church and church plants, evangelizing, reading, writing, and discussing missiological ideas. 

Women will have the opportunity to glean wisdom from a missionary mother of 7. They will spend their days teaching 3-6 year olds, serving in the church, learning and experiencing what it practically looks like to be a homemaker and missionary wife.

Want to know more? Click the button below to download our comprehensive information packet:

NB: Reading through the information packet is a prerequisite. We ask that you do this before filling in the application form because this is a big decision for us and you!

Interested? Click the button below to download the application form: