Dewey’s Deadly Doctrines: A Review of the Public School System

–– Gideon Mpeni

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As one walks through the corridors of our public schools, runs through the sports fields, and then enters into the chambers that have cabinets full of trophies and memories of the achievements, you would be stunned and left with a sense of awe and wonder by the heroic records that have stood for years, achieved by those who lived in times past. But behind this veneer of successes on the sports fields is the corruption and destruction that can be likened to that of termites which are internally damaging the trusses of a once-magnificent building. The owners are busy painting them but soon the structure will fall as the trusses cannot withstand the wind, the storms, and the weight of the tiles. An education system’s relevance lies in its Curriculum, and no curriculum is atheological, or neutral. 

Recent developments indicate that the public school system is becoming even more hostile to the convictions of many Christian families. It is the primary battleground for cultural conflict. For example, the passing of the BELA Bill in South Africa as reported on the 15th of May by News24,  has four key objectives that should make any Christian parent think critically about sending their children to public schools. Closer inspection will show how our governments are committed to rolling out John Deweys’ doctrines. Here is what I mean, let us examine the four objectives of the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill of South Africa that are contrary to the Bible. 

Firstly, Compulsory Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) found on page 13, Section 7B(1)(a) this is taught from Grade 3, the CSE framework in South Africa includes detailed information about human sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity, contraception, and sexual health. 

Their second objective is Inclusive Education Policies on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation, found on Page 18, Section 11(5). This aims to ensure non-discrimination based on gender identity and sexuality. However, this is contrary to God’s original design. All Christians should reaffirm the book of Genesis and together with the saints who signed the Nashville statement, maintain that God has designed marriage to be a covenantal, sexual, procreative, lifelong union between one man and one woman, as husband and wife; and is meant to signify the covenant love between Christ and his bride the church. 

Christians should equally deny that God has designed marriage to be a homosexual, polygamous, or polyamorous relationship. Parents, God has entrusted you with the responsibility to train up your children even in these matters, you are mandated to sit down with them in your homes and affirm from the scriptures that self-conception as male or female should be defined by God’s holy purposes in creation and redemption as revealed in Scripture. Teach them that to deny adopting a homosexual or transgender self-conception is consistent with God’s holy purposes in creation and redemption. (Genesis 1:27; Rom 1:26-27). 

Sadly, your role in this is being threatened by the law, which is meant to protect you and your household, because they have taken a leaf from the branch of John Deweys’ philosophy. He understood that the success of his effort would require children to be liberated from the prejudices of their parents. He also advocated a radically secular vision for the public schools and the larger public culture. 

Therefore, the Reduction of Parental Authority over Education is the third objective the BELA Bill aims to implement as seen on Page 14, Section 8(2). The implication is that the parental responsibility in children’s upbringing and teaching is now stripped (Proverbs 22:6; Deuteronomy 6:6-7 and Ephesians 6:1-4) and the government aims to teach your child about various methods of contraception. From Grade 7 the curriculum often includes discussions on sexual exploration as a normal part of sexual development and a safe way to learn about one’s body. It is no wonder why we are seeing a rampant increase in promiscuity in our land. In the face of this onslaught, parents can either sit back or stand boldly and take a stance by modelling chastity and maintaining sexual purity until marriage (1 Thessalonians 4:3-4).

Dewey’s doctrines are being rolled out, it is not Life Orientation that your child is being taught, it is a secular humanistic worldview, whose champion was not a believer in the God of the Bible. He was at best an atheist or agnostic in his views, for his desire was for a humanistic faith, stripped of all supernatural claims, doctrines, and theological authorities. This is exactly what the Education authorities are doing. For their fifth objective, they have set Restrictions on Religious Observances in Schools as seen on page 20, Section 12(2) of the Bill, this is set to ensure that there is neutrality and inclusivity. However, this denies Christian children the opportunity to express their faith to the point that they will face persecution if they attempt to do so (Matthew 5:14-16; Deut. 11:18-19).

In light of the BELA Bill and Dewey’s dastardly doctrines, Christian parents should think more carefully about whether they should send their children to public schools, it’s time for more parents to courageously take charge of the education of their own bambinos. The church must equally rise to the challenge by equipping parents, supporting families, and offering alternatives. Schools have surely become engine rooms of indoctrination of the young. Let us take back the reins and indoctrinate them with the timeless truths of a Biblical worldview. 

1 thought on “Dewey’s Deadly Doctrines: A Review of the Public School System

  1. Thanks for this great post. The BELA Bill is just another move toward a socialist, humanist view of society and life, and reducing the freedoms of parents necessary for a Christian society.

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