Perilous Tax Protest in Kenya 

–– Gideon Mpeni

Audio version of this article is available here: YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.

This past week has been marked by shocks, frustration, and what the Kenyan citizens may term as palpable failure in nation-building, state construction, and development. When the protests, dubbed “Occupy Parliament”, began on Tuesday the 18th of June, Wycliffe Muia reports that it all looked peaceful. However Anti-tax protesters in Kenya are in shock after a 29-year-old man was killed during the nationwide demonstrations against a new finance bill. Rex Kanyike Masai, who was protesting on Thursday in the centre of Nairobi, died of gunshot wounds, as reported by a doctor from a hospital in the capital, as per a local newspaper. Police fired tear gas and water cannons at largely peaceful protesters near parliament as lawmakers were debating proposals to bring in new taxes.

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Dewey’s Deadly Doctrines: A Review of the Public School System

–– Gideon Mpeni

Audio version of this article is available here: YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.

As one walks through the corridors of our public schools, runs through the sports fields, and then enters into the chambers that have cabinets full of trophies and memories of the achievements, you would be stunned and left with a sense of awe and wonder by the heroic records that have stood for years, achieved by those who lived in times past. But behind this veneer of successes on the sports fields is the corruption and destruction that can be likened to that of termites which are internally damaging the trusses of a once-magnificent building. The owners are busy painting them but soon the structure will fall as the trusses cannot withstand the wind, the storms, and the weight of the tiles. An education system’s relevance lies in its Curriculum, and no curriculum is atheological, or neutral. 

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A Survey of Slavery and Salvation

–– Gideon Mpeni

Audio version of this article available here: YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.

Africa is a beautiful continent. Yet, beneath the edges of this amazing tapestry are dark threads of various evils. From Cape to Cairo, we hear various cries of desperation and one of those African cries is heard from the closed doors in Oman from a woman as she suffers the trauma of severe burns inflicted by her so-called bosses. Her name is Blessing, she was among those women lured with offers of domestic work, only to be trapped in a cycle of exploitation, and thrown into the dungeon of despair. 

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The Battle for Bible-Based Education

–– Gideon Mpeni

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Parental authority in training and bringing up their children has faced attacks in most parts of the Western world, yet we are now beginning to see this tidal wave on the family hitting the shores of Africa. The recent developments in Sub-Saharan Africa, rise from the famously named ‘mother city’, Cape Town, South Africa. 

On the 26th of September, the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education in the South African Parliament  adopted the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill, otherwise known as the BELA Bill, in which parents can face 12-month jail sentences if their children of school age are not enrolled. This bill also introduces a ban on corporal punishment. These are not mere attempts to cater for the well-being of the children but rather rules aimed at controlling the parents and stripping them of their God-given responsibilities.

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