Whiteness, Worship, and the Myth of African Freedom

–– Lennox Kalifungwa

Audio version of this article is available here: YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.

Analyzing and Confronting Africa’s Self-Imposed Chains

In the tapestry of African history, the notion of freedom has often been miscast—a concept disconnected from truth and moral goodness. A pervasive belief has taken root, convincing many that true liberation equates to emancipation from whiteness and Western ideologies rather than a comprehensive freedom from sin and tyranny. This fixation on whiteness stems from postmodern Marxist theories that perpetually position white individuals as oppressors. This perspective has blinded many Africans to the stark reality: they remain unfree, and this bondage is self-inflicted. The pursuit of freedom, in its truest sense, has been supplanted by a fervent desire to eradicate whiteness and Western thought.

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Christian Duty in the Wake of Infanticide 

–– Lennox Kalifungwa

Audio version of this article available here: YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.

Hallmarks of a Genocidal World

Where lies the most perilous domain on Earth in our time? Is it within radical Islamic states or amidst gang-ridden urban communities? No, the womb, intended as a sanctuary of life, has become the most treacherous place on earth. Consider Zambia, where numerous abortions are carried out under the guise of women’s rights and gender equality. Across the globe, millions of unborn lives are intentionally ended each year in the name of justice and freedom. Make no mistake, feminism has produced the greatest genocide in the history of the world. This phenomenon is globally promoted, funded, and celebrated as a perceived hallmark of societal development. 

The chilling parallels between the rhetoric of abortion and historical genocides underscore the moral bankruptcy of a society that condones the wanton destruction of innocent life. Just as past atrocities, such as the holocaust, were justified through dehumanization, so too does the abortion industry seek to obfuscate the humanity of the unborn, thereby sanctioning their systematic annihilation.  

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